JavaScript AbortController

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll explore how to use the JavaScript AbortController to cancel an ongoing network request.

Introduction to the JavaScript AbortController

AbortController is a web API that allows you to abort network requests. It works by linking an AbortSignal with network requests. This signal can be used to communicate with network requests to abort them when necessary.

Here are the steps for using an AbortController to abort a fetch request:

First, create a AbortController object using the new keyword:

const controller = new AbortController();Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Second, get the signal property of the AbortController object. The signal property is an instance of the AbortSignal object:

const signal = controller.signal;Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This signal can be passed to the fetch request, allowing us to control its behavior.

Third, pass a AbortSignal object to the fetch method:

fetch(url, { signal });Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Alternatively, you can pass the signal to the Request object and use it in the fetch method:

const request = new Request(url, { signal });
fetch(request);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Fourth, abort the fetch request if necessary by calling the abort() method of the AbortController object.

 controller.abort();Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

For example, you make a fetch timeout after 2 seconds:

setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 2000);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

It’s fine if you call abort() after the fetch has already been completed, fetch will ignore it.

Fifth, when you call the abort() method, it notifies the abort signal. You can listen to the abort event using the addEventListener on the signal object:

signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
    console.log(signal.aborted); // true
});Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Finally, you can react to an aborted fetch:

fetch(url, { signal }).then(response => {
    return response.json();
}).then(data => {
}).catch(err => {
    if ( === 'AbortError') {
       console.log('Fetch aborted');
});Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Note that the AbortError is not a real error therefore we use an if statement to handle the AbortError specifically.

JavaScript AbortController example

In practice, you use the AbortController when dealing with user interactions. For example, on a search page, you can abort a previous request when the user searches for a new search term.

We’ll build an app that searches for a term on Wikipedia and cancels the previous search request if the user starts a new one before the last one finishes.

Step 1. Create a new directory for storing the project files.:

mkdir wikipedia-search-abortableCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Step 2. Create the following directories and files within the project directory:

├── css
|  └── style.css
├── img
|  ├── spinner.svg
|  └── wikipedia-logo.png
├── index.html
└── js
   └── app.jsCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Step 3. Create HTML structure in the index.html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>Wikipedia Search</title>
        <script src="./js/app.js" defer></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/style.css">

            <img src="./img/wikipedia-logo.png" alt="wikipedia">
            <h1>Wikipedia Search</h1>
            <form id="search">
                <input type="search" name="term" id="term" placeholder="Enter a search term...">

            <div id="searchResult"></div>
            <div id="loading"></div>
            <div id="error"></div>


</html>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Step 4. Modify the app.js file with the following code:

const form = document.querySelector('#search');
const termInput = document.querySelector('#term');
const error = document.querySelector('#error');
const loading = document.querySelector('#loading');
const resultsContainer = document.querySelector('#searchResult');

let controller = new AbortController();

const search = async (term) => {
  // Abort the previous request
  console.log('Abort the previous request');

  // Create a new controller for the new request
  controller = new AbortController();
  const signal = controller.signal;
  const url = `|extracts&inprop=url&utf8=&format=json&origin=*&srsearch=${term}`;

  const response = await fetch(url, { signal });
  const data = await response.json();

const resetSearchResult = () => {
  error.innerHTML = '';
  loading.innerHTML = '';
  resultsContainer.innerHTML = '';

const handleSubmit = async (e) => {

  // reset search result

  // check if term is empty
  const term = termInput.value;
  if (term === '') return;

  try {
    // show the loading
    loading.innerHTML = `<img src='./img/spinner.svg' alt='loading...'>`;

    // make the search
    const results = await search(term);

    // show the search result
    resultsContainer.innerHTML = renderSearchResult(results);
  } catch (err) {
    // show the error
    error.innerHTML = `Something went wrong.`;
  } finally {
    // hide the loading
    loading.innerHTML = '';

const renderSearchResult = (results) => {
  return results
    .map(({ title, snippet, pageid }) => {
      return `<article>
                <a href="${pageid}">
                <div class="summary">${snippet}...</div>

form.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmit);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

How it works.

First, select the DOM elements using the querySelector method:

const form = document.querySelector('#search');
const termInput = document.querySelector('#term');
const error = document.querySelector('#error');
const loading = document.querySelector('#loading');
const resultsContainer = document.querySelector('#searchResult');Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Second, create an AbortController for aborting a fetch request:

let controller = new AbortController();Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Third, define a search function that calls the Wikipedia API based on an input search term:

const search = async (term) => {
  // Abort the previous request
  console.log('Abort the previous request');

  // Create a new controller for the new request
  controller = new AbortController();
  const signal = controller.signal;
  const url = `|extracts&inprop=url&utf8=&format=json&origin=*&srsearch=${term}`;
  const response = await fetch(url, { signal });
  const data = await response.json();
};Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In the search() function, we call the abort() method of the AbortController object to cancel the previous search request if the user starts a new one:

controller.abort();Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Before making a new request, we create a new AbortController object and pass its AbortSignal to the fetch() method:

controller = new AbortController();
const signal = controller.signal;
const url = `|extracts&inprop=url&utf8=&format=json&origin=*&srsearch=${term}`;
const response = await fetch(url, { signal });Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Step 5. Define a function to reset the error, loading, and search result:

const resetSearchResult = () => {
  error.innerHTML = '';
  loading.innerHTML = '';
  resultsContainer.innerHTML = '';
};Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Step 6. Define a handleSubmit() function that executes the search when the form is submitted:

const handleSubmit = async (e) => {

  // reset search result

  // check if term is empty
  const term = termInput.value;
  if (term === '') return;

  try {
    // show the loading
    loading.innerHTML = `<img src='./img/spinner.svg' alt='loading...'>`;

    // make the search
    const results = await search(term);

    // show the search result
    resultsContainer.innerHTML = renderSearchResult(results);
  } catch (err) {
    // show the error
    error.innerHTML = `Something went wrong.`;
  } finally {
    // hide the loading
    loading.innerHTML = '';
};Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

How it works.

First, prevent the form to submit to the server:

e.preventDefault();Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Second, call the resetSearchResult function to reset the search result:

resetSearchResult();Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Third, return immediately if the search term is blank:

const term = termInput.value;
if (term === '') return;Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Fourth, show the loading progress indicator before making a search request:

loading.innerHTML = `<img src='./img/spinner.svg' alt='loading...'>`;Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Fifth, make a search request:

const results = await search(term);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Sixth, display the search result:

resultsContainer.innerHTML = renderSearchResult(results);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Seventh, display a user-friendly user message and log the error detail in the console:

 } catch (err) {
    // show the error
    error.innerHTML = `Something went wrong.`;
 }Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Eighth, hide the loading indicator regardless of whether an error occurs or not:

} finally {
  // hide the loading
  loading.innerHTML = '';
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Ninth, define a function renderSearchResult that renders the search result:

const renderSearchResult = (results) => {
  return results
    .map(({ title, snippet, pageid }) => {
      return `<article>
                <a href="${pageid}">
                <div class="summary">${snippet}...</div>
};Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Finally, register the handleSubmit function as a submit event handler of the form:

form.addEventListener('submit', handleSubmit);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Download the project source code

Download the project source code


  • Use AbortController to abort a web request to prevent unnecessary network requests and handle user interactions efficiently.
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