React Native Tutorial

React Native allows you to develop cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript. In this tutorial series, you’ll learn how to use React Native to create your next great mobile applications.

What you’ll learn

  • Build real-world mobile apps using React Native.
  • Develop reusable components.


  • Basic React.
  • An Android phone or iPhone for testing mobile apps.

Section 1. Getting Started with React Native

Section 2. Text, SafeArea, and ScrollView components

  • Text – Show you how to display text on mobile apps using the Text component.
  • SafeAreaView – Render nested components within the safe boundaries of a device using the SafeAreaView components.
  • ScrollView – Create scrollable content in your app.

Section 3. Rendering List with FlatList and SectionList

  • FlatList – Display a large list of items efficiently using FlatList
  • SectionList – Show you how to display data in groups (or sections) using SectionList.

Section 4. Text Input, Pressable, and Images

  • TextInput – Learn how to create a TextInput element
  • Pressable – Use Pressable to create touch interactivity in your mobile app.
  • Image – Display and style images in your app.

Section 5. Hooks

  • Hooks- Create reusable hooks.

Section 6. React Navigation

In this section, you’ll learn how to enable users to navigate between screens.

  • Set up React Navigation and create Stack Navigator
  • Create and configure the Bottom Tab Navigator
  • Configure tab and drawer navigation in your React app
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