
Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn about the JavaScript string replaceAll() method that returns a new string with all occurrences of a substring replaced by a new one.

Introduction to the JavaScript string replaceAll() method

The replaceAll() method returns a new string with all occurrences of a substring replaced by a new one.

Here’s the syntax of the replaceAll() method:

replaceAll(pattern, replacement)

In this syntax:

  • The pattern can be a string or a regular expression. When the pattern is a regular expression, it needs to include the global flag (g); otherwise, the replaceAll() will throw an exception.
  • The replacement argument can be a string or a callback function that will be invoked for each match.

The replacement callback function has the following signature:

replacement(match, offset, str)Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this syntax:

  • match is the matched substring.
  • offset is offset of the matched substring within the original string. For example, if the original string is 'Hello' and the matched substring is 'll', then the offset will be 2.
  • str is the original string.

Like the replace() method, the replaceAll() method doesn’t change the original string but returns a completely new string with the pattern replaced by the replacement.

Note that the replaceAll() method is available in ES2021 or later.

JavaScript string replaceAll Method

JavaScript String replaceAll() method examples

Let’s take some examples of using the JavaScript String replaceAll() method.

1) Basic JavaScript String replaceAll() example

The following example uses the replaceAll() method to return a new string with the string JS with replaced by the string JavaScript in the string ‘JS will, JS will, JS will rock you':

let str = 'JS will, JS will, JS will rock you.';
let newStr = str.replaceAll('JS', 'JavaScript');

console.log({ newStr });Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


  newStr: 'JavaScript will, JavaScript will, JavaScript will rock you.'
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

2) JavaScript String replaceAll() with a callback function example

The following example uses the replaceAll() method to search for a substring by a regular expression and replace each match with a specific replacement determined by a callback function:

let str = 'JS will, Js will, js will rock you.';

let pattern = /js/gi;

const newStr = str.replaceAll(pattern, function (match, offset, str) {
  if (match === 'JS') return 'JavaScript';
  if (match === 'Js') return 'Javascript';
  if (match === 'js') return 'javascript';
  return '';

console.log({ newStr });
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


JavaScript will, Javascript will, javascript will rock you. 

How it works.

The regular expression /js/gi matches any string that contains the substring JS case-insensitively i.e, JS, Js, or js.

The replaceAll() method replaces the substring JS, Js, and js with the returned value of the replacement callback.


  • Use the JavaScript string replaceAll() method to replace all occurrences of a substring with a new one in a string.
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