JavaScript Regex: Capturing groups

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn about JavaScript regex capturing groups and how to use them to create subgroups for a match.

Introduction to the JavaScript regex capturing groups

Suppose you have the following path:

resource/idCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

For example:


In the path, the resource is posts and id is 10. To match the path, you use the following regular expression:

/\w+\/\d+/Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this pattern:

  • \w+ is a word character set with a quantifier (+) that matches one or more word characters.
  • / matches the forward slash (/). The backslash (\) escapes the forward slash,
  • \d+ is the combination of the digit character set and a quantfifer (+), which matches one or more digits.

The following uses the regular expression /\w+\/\d+/ pattern to match the string ‘posts/10':

const path = 'posts/10';
const pattern = /\w+\/\d+/;

const match = path.match(pattern);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


[ 'posts/10', index: 0, input: 'posts/10', groups: undefined ]Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

To get the id 10 from the path posts/10, you use a capturing group. To create a capturing group for a rule, you place that rule in parentheses like this:

(rule)Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The following example creates a capturing group that captures the id value from the path posts/10:

'\w+/(\d+)'Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this pattern, we place the rule \d+ inside the parentheses (). If you run the program with the new pattern, you’ll see that it displays one match:

const path = 'posts/10';
const pattern = /\w+\/(\d+)/;

const match = path.match(pattern);
console.log(match);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


[ 'posts/10', '10', index: 0, input: 'posts/10', groups: undefined ]Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The match() method returns an array of matches. The first element is the whole match ('posts/10') while the second one ('10') is the value of the capturing group.

Note that the String.match() method will not return groups if you set the g flag e.g., /\w+\/(\d+)/g. If you use the g flag, you need to use the String.matchAll() method instead to get the groups.

Multiple capturing groups

To capture both the resource (posts) and id (10) of the path (post/10), you use multiple capturing groups in the regular expression as follows:

/(\w+)\/(\d+)/Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The regex has two capturing groups one for \w+ and the other for \d+ .

The following script shows the entire match and all the subgroups:

const path = 'posts/10';
const pattern = /(\w+)\/(\d+)/;

const match = path.match(pattern);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


['posts/10', 'posts', '10', index: 0, input: 'posts/10', groups: undefined]Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

To access the first and second subgroups, you use match[1] and match[2]. Note that the match[0] returns the entire match. For example:

const path = 'posts/10';
const pattern = /(\w+)\/(\d+)/;

const match = path.match(pattern);
console.log(match[0], match[1], match[2]);Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


posts/10 posts 10Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Named capturing groups

To access a subgroup in a match, you use an index. However, you may want to access a subgroup by a meaningful name to make it more convenient.

To do that, you use the named capturing group to assign a name to a group. The following shows the syntax for assigning a name to a capturing group:

(?<name>rule)Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this syntax:

  • () indicates a capturing group.
  • ?<name> specifies the name of the capturing group.
  • rule is a rule in the pattern.

For example, the following creates the names:

/?<resource>\w+)\/(?<id>\d+/Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In this syntax:

  • The resource is the name for the first capturing group
  • The id is the name for the second capturing group.

For example:

const path = 'posts/10';
const pattern = /(?<resource>\w+)\/(?<id>\d+)/;

const match = path.match(pattern);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


  index: 0,
  input: 'posts/10',
  groups: [Object: null prototype] { resource: 'posts', id: '10' }
]Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

The match has a groups property that is an object. The match.groups object has properties whose names are the capturing group name and values are the capturing values. For example:

const path = 'posts/10';
const pattern = /(?<resource>\w+)\/(?<id>\d+)/;

const match = path.match(pattern);
for (const name in match.groups) {
  console.log(name, match.groups[name]);
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


resource posts
id 10Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

More named capturing group example

The following regular expression matches the path posts/2022/02/18

/\w+\/d{4}\/d{2}\/d{2}/Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

To capture the resource (post), year (2022), month (02), and day (18), you use the named capturing groups like this:

/(?<resource>\w+)\/(?<year>\d{4})\/(?<month>\d{2})\/(?<day>\d{2})/Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

This program uses the patterns to match the path and shows all the subgroups:

const path = 'posts/2022/02/18';
const pattern =

const match = path.match(pattern);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


{resource: 'posts', year: '2022', month: '02', day: '18'}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)


  • Place a rule in parentheses () to create a capturing group. A regular expression can have multiple capturing groups.
  • Use the (?<capturingGroupName>rule) to create a named capturing group for the rule in a pattern.
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